Creating new jobs

We will create jobs and income in countries and communities that may struggle with poverty and unemployment.

MESO wish to create onshore or offshore processing facilities for handling the raw material from mesopelagic fisheries.

Ripple effects

When yesterday everything was relying on fishing itself, one could now expand upwards in the value chain and establish a complete infrastructure of operations. This will bring more of the benefits to the local community, which can be reinvested and have a ripple effect on the economy as well as the living conditions in general.

Labour manpower needed

To be specific: For a country like Mauritania, which could have 100 million tons of mesopelagic fish outside their coast, the biomass is considered to make up 50-100 million tons.

The processing of such volumes requires a large amount of labour manpower on land. They will be recruited and trained locally.

Responsible fishing

Harvesting and preservation of the fish offshore, will generate jobs as well. The number of fishing boats that will take part in such fishery, will vary from region to region, depending on the size of the fish resources and how it´s regulated by the authorities.